Elise Kenna Stewart
A Writer
As a point of introduction, I am not who I say I am.
In other words, I write under a nom de plume –​ a ​pen name.
I have written candidly about my true-life experiences,
which have been somewhat unusual.
One might say, "well outside the norm."
I chose to dutifully err on the side of truth sharing intimate
chapters of my journey that could perhaps alter the anonymous world
that I, and my family, currently exist in.
I will, however, offer you a little looksee into the "real" me
to color in some of the blanks of who I am
and what I deem fun and meaningful.
To get acquainted, head over to "About Me" for that sneak peek.
A Closing Thought
"An aspiration in my life is to be an echo of God's love.
To champion human kindness graced with courage
and add a splash of laughter.
To embrace the power that is within our grasp to lift one another up.
To heal. To strengthen. To encourage. Our power to bless."
Yours very truly,
Elise Kenna Stewart