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I am ... 

  • A blossoming Quaintrelle (n.) A woman who emphasizes a life of passion expressed through personal style, leisurely pastimes, charm, and cultivation of life's pleasures. [Webster’s Dictionary]

  • A wife, then widow, now wife. I am grateful to have had another door of my heart open to find love again. And to ditch the widow title. Leave it for the spiders, please!

  • A person who doesn’t mind the crackle while listening to LPs on my record player. Can’t even hear the grooves in the vinyl when volume is cranked while dancing to ABBA.

  • A girl with way too many flip-flops – according to my husband who has two pairs. Just saying ...

I like to ... 

  • Do retail therapy on an as-needed basis. Mother maintains it can sometimes be cheaper than a therapist.

  • Settle into some "porching" with my man at sunset awaiting the flickers in the woodland of those shy and bewitching fireflies. A chilled glass of chardonnay in hand, of course.

  • Further spoil my already spoiled puppies. Why not. They never talk back.

  • Piddle, as akin to dillydally. My father thought it a time drain. Rick Bragg, on the other hand, hails it a wonderful past-time. I tend to agree – with both of them.

I want to ...

  • Take a road trip and let the spirit move. Pull into those crammed antique shops then a roadside diner with mile-high pies. Maybe even get stuck behind a bagpipe parade.(It actually happened to a friend of mine!)

  • Learn to play the accordion. Seriously, I now own one.

  • Plant a kitchen garden and not kill my harvest – at the very least, the mint for Mojitos.

  • Somehow, some way put a smile on God's face


I am ... 

  • An entrepreneur who launched a business at age 23 in a male-dominated industry. Forty plus years later, this company is the longest running in its field.

  • A board member serving sixteen years to support at-risk children, a weekly Meals on Wheels delivery girl and a bi-weekly faith forum leader for about 70 women.

  • A licensed pilot. However, I’ve been on hiatus lately. “Up in the air Junior Birdman” is calling.

  • A Mama to kids and now grown-ups I did not birth. A tribe I’ve embraced as my own. These are in addition to my two "precious pie" adult sons – who cringe when I call them that.

I like to ... 

  • Write and deliver inspirational "talks" for women. The writing manages to flow naturally. Public speaking, however, is a whole new adventure to navigate and conquer.

  • Pen poetry to celebrate birthdays and whatever days. And on those very sad days, dig deep to honor a life with a most fitting eulogy of prose.

  • Keep irons in the fire to fuel my passion – success as a practicing wordsmith.

  • Brag on God. CHASING THE DAWN is all about that.

I want to ...

  • Be afforded a bit of grace for coloring outside the lines in this journey called “life.”

  • Instill God’s hope into hopeless hearts. I've been there. Broken hearts are a serious business, and God just happens to excel in creating beauty from the ashes. Pass it on!

  • Quite simply, make a difference. For the good.

Lastly, I earnestly desire to have an acceptable answer

for my Creator when at long last our eyes lock

and He lovingly asks ...

"So then, My dear daughter, what is it you have done with your one wild and precious life I have gifted you?"

[Paraphrased quote by Mary Oliver]



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